An Integrative NeuroSomatic® Approach to

Self-Leadership & Human Optimization


All of us possess within us a force of incalculable power, which when handled consciously rather than unconsciously allows us to navigate the world from our highest selves.

Self-mastery is a path one chooses to develop the innate, but often unleashed capacities for growth, human development, and compassionate purpose-driven service we all hold inside us. It is the inner science of self-leadership, which lies at the heart of outer change.

It can be uncomfortable shifting out of the known into the unknown, which makes the journey of growth and development invariably difficult at times. As humans, we are drawn to staying with the familiar and we have a need for safety and maintaining homeostasis. As a result, there are parts of us outside of our awareness that hold us back from our greatness. However, slowly, steadily, and daily we can challenge our homeostatic set points to create the best versions of ourselves.


The Science of Self-Mastery

The Science of Self-Mastery: An Integrative NeuroSomatic® Approach to Self-Leadership and Human Optimization experience is a 7-month quest that follows a blueprint for human flourishing and transformative change based on cutting-edge breakthroughs from the fields of modern neuroscience, mind-body medicine, integrative health, quantum physics, epigenetics, flow, and human development. This blueprint outlines 7 domains of mastery – Intrapersonal, Emotional, Attention, Somatic, Nutritional, Interpersonal, and Global.

The Integrative NeuroSomatic®

Self-Mastery Blueprint

7 Masterclasses

The journey involves 7 masterclasses that blend ancient wisdom with cutting-edge contemporary science, providing you with the knowledge and tools necessary to navigate the path of self-mastery.

7 Group Mastermind Gatherings

In the pursuit of self-mastery, knowledge is just the beginning; true transformation often flourishes in the context of shared experiences and collaborative growth. That’s why our mastermind gatherings stand as an indispensable complement to the knowledge gained in our “Path to Self-Mastery” masterclasses. These high-energy group gatherings offer a dynamic platform for deepening your understanding of how to implement newways of thinking, feeling, and doing into practice. You receive coaching from Laurie and peer support from fellow self-mastery journeyers for navigating hurdles and creative ways to customize the journey to your unique path.  





Monthly Goals

Each month will be dedicated to cultivating the skills, qualities, and habits needed to support growth in one of the mastery domains, which will include a group masterclass and a monthly community mastermind call for sharing ideas, receiving coaching around implementation, and deepening the habits and mindsets needed to support growth.

Community Engagement

The power of community cannot be overestimated.  As a member of the Science of Self-Mastery tribe, you will be engaged in our community forum – where journeyers come together to celebrate their victories, exchange valuable resources, and find the strength and motivation to persevere on their educational journey. 

Books & Educational Material

A gateway to deeper understanding, books have the power to open doors to new perspectives, ideas, and knowledge.  A selection of books and other inspirational reading materials will be included in each area of mastery, offering in-depth exploration and new worlds of thought. 

Accountability & Support

The Science of Self-Mastery experience is tailored to meet your unique needs. Your journey begins with setting clear, achievable goals that serve as your roadmap.  Laurie will be by your side, helping you monitor your progress and providing feedback so that you stay on track and remain committed to your mission.

Access to Your Power

Inner alchemy involves the transformation of fear into fuel for growth and change. It’s about embracing discomfort and uncertainty as catalysts for personal evolution. Accessing personal power also means connecting with your higher self or inner wisdom- the true path to human flourishing. It entails elevating self-awareness, the transmutation of limiting beliefs, emotional mastery, balancing inner energies for resilience, connection to purpose, and maximizing positive impact on the world. 

Transformational Results

The elements of this self-mastery blueprint create a nurturing and empowering environment where transformation becomes not just achievable but inevitable. Your journey with me is not a linear path; it’s a dynamic, ongoing evolution that empowers you to become the best version of yourself. With dedication, support, and the right tools, your transformational results are within reach, and I am here to guide you every step of the way.

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Self-Mastery Course Details

Cultivating Intrapersonal Intelligence involves a deep journey within, contemplating the meaning of self, purpose, and the mind. It’s the ability to decipher and analyze your individual motives, desires, thoughts, and emotions. This entails self-reflection, self-inquiry, and self-analysis – critical skills for understanding what you want, what you don’t want, and why you are the way you are. People with high levels of intrapersonal mastery utilize their awareness of their personal values, strengths, weaknesses, passions, and inner wisdom to develop the self-leadership necessary to effectively navigate the human experience.

In this masterclass, we explore the human quest for self-discovery and self-knowledge, beginning the inner work important for unlocking one’s true purpose and creating a personal vision. Each participant will create an Intrapersonal Mastery Blueprint designed to record actions and daily rituals that support a purpose-driven life.

Cultivating Emotional Intelligence involves honing your ability, capacity, or skill to perceive, assess, understand, and manage the response to emotions, feelings and moods within yourself as well as sharpening the ability to perceive, understand and manage the perceptions and impacts of your emotional states on others.

In this masterclass, we explore the biology of emotions and the power of emotional states, the mind-body connection, and the physiology of coherence. Participants will learn science-based practices for changing their internal neurochemistry on demand, making an emotional pivot during challenging circumstances, and maintaining the calm and composure necessary for maintaining well-being and influencing positive change.

Each participant will create an Emotional Mastery Blueprint Each designed to record actions and daily rituals that support higher levels of self-awareness, emotion regulation, and cellular health.

Cultivating Attention Intelligence involves the act or faculty of conscious observation, which involves the capacity to direct your mind or awareness to a single object, thought, process, belief system, or mindset. People who are intelligent with where and how they direct their attention are better able to maintain a growth mindset, activate states of flow and optimal cognitive performance, as well as choose actions that are in alignment with their most important goals.

In this masterclass we explore the concept of the attention economy, growth vs. fixed mindset, mindfulness, and the skills critical for creating activating flow states of consciousness that elevate the capacity for individual and group learning.

Each participant will create an Attention Mastery Blueprint designed to record actions and daily rituals that support a healthy mindset, the capacity to direct attention and awareness that facilitates goal achievement, and optimal cognitive performance.

Cultivating Somatic Intelligence involves increasing your understanding of how you sense, feel, and know yourself from the inside out. The brain extends throughout the human body. To make effectively make decisions in life, you must learn to interrupt unconscious patterns of self-organization that have been wired into the body. This form of intelligence entails listening to the wisdom within your cells in a way that facilitates new neural pathways that support health and well-being. This intelligence integrates the science of functional movement, optimal mitochondrial functioning and anti-aging with body-mind practices and ancient wisdom teachings.

In this masterclass we explore the tendencies that become wired into the brain-body-mind system and how this impacts the way you operate in the world. Mind-body strategies that bridge modern science with ancient wisdom teachings will be shared to optimize physical performance and overall wellness.

Each participant will create a Somatic Mastery Blueprint designed to record actions and daily rituals that support embodied self-awareness and neuroplastic changes that promote positive transformation.

ultivating Nutritional Intelligence entails understanding that food is no different than a pharmaceutical compound- it is code that profoundly impacts your brain by either upgrading your internal software or downgrading it. What you eat directly influences the expression of your DNA by way of the microbiota-gut-brain-axis. People who exercise nutritional intelligence not only decrease their risk for all chronic illnesses and neurological disorders, but they also perform better in the workplace and as leaders.

In this masterclass we explore the science behind nutritional health, the role of gut/brain axis in psychological and physical well-being, and tools for creating a personalized nutrition system designed to increase brain performance and physical health.

Each participant will create a Nutritional Mastery Blueprint designed to record actions and daily rituals that support a healthy gut-brain axis, mental well-being, and cognitive performance.

Cultivating Interpersonal Intelligence involves the nourishment of a new or existing connection between individuals, as well as the overall upgrading of human interactions. This connection may be related to communications, simple interpersonal interactions, or ultimately the personal, professional, or intimate relationship(s) that exist between people. With trust being foundational to all healthy interpersonal relationships, it is important to understand the neurobiology of what drives human behavior when it comes to honing your ability to more effectively collaborate with and positively influence others.

In this masterclass we explore the neuroscience behind building human trust and connection, a brain-based framework for identifying the biological needs which drive human behavior, and brain-based practices that foster trust, collaboration, and engagement with others.

Each participant will create a Relational Mastery Blueprint which is designed to record actions and daily rituals that promote trust, cooperative teamwork, and intelligent human interactions.

Cultivating Universal Intelligence involves collectively creating a more compassionate, cooperative, and peaceful way of being on the planet. Research provides a wide variety of scientific findings that shine light on new insights into the interconnectedness between the human family, plants, animals, and the earth’s magnetic field. People and organizations who develop global intelligence unite to heal collective trauma, shifting consciousness from discord and incoherence to be more compassionate, kind, cooperative, and peaceful. It is about moving from a state of protection to connection where the human species thrives rather than just survives.

Each participant will create a Global Mastery Blueprint which is designed to which is designed to record actions and daily rituals to increase social coherence, live with compassion, and play a role in building & strengthening an equitable and inclusive environment.