The Gut-Brain Axis and Well-being

The gut is a vast interacting community of living organisms that profoundly influence conditions such as depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, Attention Deficit Disorder, chronic fatigue, insomnia, blood pressure, addiction and more. When there is an imbalance in the gut microbiome, other organs are affected, including our brain. Furthermore, exposure to childhood adversity has been linked to disturbances in the microbiome and the communication between the gut and the brain, resulting in problematic mental and physical conditions. For human services leaders and practitioners working with people who have histories of trauma, understanding the Gut-Brain Axis (GBA) and its links to psychological health can be a profound game-changer.

This science-informed workshop draws on cutting edge breakthroughs from the fields of systems biology, mind-body research, functional medicine, epigenetics, trauma and modern neuroscience, providing an upgraded and expanded understanding of mental and physical health. A focus will be placed on exploring the role of the GBA in general health and well-being, as well as with trauma to support practitioners in expanding their array of supports when helping people who have suffered adverse childhood experiences in their lives.

After attending this training, participants will be able to:

  1. Define the gut-brain axis (GBA) and its role in mental and physical health
  2. Describe the human microbiome and its links to trauma
  3. Evaluate practices that support healthy GBA communication
  4. Create a plan for enhancing GBA health with both self and clients

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November 18, 2023