Moving From Protection to Connection

The Neuroscience of Rewiring the Nervous System After Trauma

Unresolved complex trauma and chronic elevated levels of stress compromise neural functioning. They can lead to hyperarousal, overwhelm, and shut down. The human brain and nervous system have a built-in protection mechanism to manage dangerous situations. Psychological safety and connection underpin the neurobiology of the social engagement system, which is foundational to helping people rewire the nervous system for safety and connection. Addressing states of dysregulation and avoiding re-enactment of conditioned responses in the brain when working with survivors of trauma lies at the heart of healing and the transformation of suffering. 

This interactive workshop draws on breakthroughs in modern neuroscience, mind-body research, epigenetics, trauma, and cutting-edge scientific discoveries related to the biology of psychological safety and human development. Participants learn tools for helping survivors of trauma rewire their nervous system for safety and connection.

Learning Objectives

  1. Describe a state of protection in the nervous system and how this impacts engagement and healing
  2. Evaluate the impacts of trauma from a brain-mind-body perspective
  3. Apply a brain-based framework for increasing psychological safety

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October 2, 2023