Discovering What Matters

The Neuroscience of Purpose in Health & Human Services

The two most important days in our lives are the day we were born and the day we discover the reason we were born.  Having purpose is a chief requisite for a well-lived life.  A constant in the lives of people who experience a sense of well-being are the purpose moments- moments when we connect to what has meaning.  Having a sense of purpose propels us forward through challenge and adversity.  Research illustrates that when we know deep down we are making a contribution to the larger pattern of life, it cultivates biological grit and resilience.  It also lowers our risk for stroke, heart disease, and cognitive decline.  Living in alignment to purpose regulates our mood, increases empathy and social bonding, reduces pain, and elevates performance- all of which are important for effective leadership and practice in health and human service systems of care.  Fortunately, findings in modern brain science and mind-body medicine shine light on the neurobiological underpinnings of purpose, providing a richer understanding of its importance and how to connect more deeply to a purpose-driven life for psychological and physical well-being.

This interactive brain-based training draws on breakthroughs in the science related to the power of purpose and how it can elevate health, well-being, and human performance for leaders and practitioners working in health and human services.  Exercises to unlock each participants’ purpose along with strategies for finding meaning, living longer, and aligning choices and decisions with what matters most will be explored.

Learning Objectives

  1. Evaluate the importance and impact of purpose on health, well-being, and performance through the lens of neuroscience and the mind-brain-body system.
  2. Assess individual purpose.
  3. Uncover each participant’s purpose, connecting it to their role in human service systems of care.
  4. Develop an action plan for living on purpose.

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October 2, 2023