Cultivating Intrapersonal Intelligence involves a deep journey within, contemplating the meaning of self, purpose, and the mind.  It’s the ability to decipher and analyze your individual motives, desires, thoughts, and emotions.  This entails self-reflection, self-inquiry, and self-analysis – critical skills for understanding what you want, what you don’t want, and why you are the way you are.  People with high levels of intrapersonal mastery utilize their awareness of their personal values, strengths, weaknesses, passions, and inner wisdom to develop the self-leadership necessary to effectively navigate the human experience. 

In this masterclass, we explore the human quest for self-discovery and self-knowledge, beginning the inner work important for unlocking one’s true purpose and creating a personal vision.  Each participant will create an Intrapersonal Mastery Blueprint designed to record actions and daily rituals that support a purpose-driven life.